Bam! Now there’s an opening line, they would say, half laughing to themselves in disbelief that the very first thought that occured to them could be so brilliant, so perfect. I can still picture the freelancer’s wide-eyes and self-satisfied grin as they smashed the enter key, confident that they had just invented a cool and original way to begin a review about wars. “War, huh? What is it good for? Well, this game for a start.” If you’ve never read those words in that order before, send a thank you card to your nearest editor today. One of the most commonly deleted and cliched introductions to any game about a war (which was almost every game back then) went as thus. This week Steve pits googly-eyed warriors against one another in Totally Accurate Battle Simulatorīack at PC Zone magazine, where I was born out of an egg, it was my job to take the raw copy submitted by our freelance writers, strip out most of the sexism and veiled threats against politicians, and produce a polished and well structured review that was legally fit for publication.

Premature Evaluation is the weekly column in which Steve Hogarty explores the wilds of early access.